Why I’m happy in being a sensitive person

After looking at my life and my own personality, I have come to the conclusion that I must be quite a sensitive person. I mean, you could joke about something with me, and I’d most likely think you were telling the truth. Yeah I know, I’m sorry.

I recently read a very eye opening post on why being sensitive may be a good thing. I always wished I wasn’t such a sensitive person, and that it was such an utterly bad trait to have. Sigh, how I wished I was more thick skinned. But I have recently come to the realisation that there can be some good that comes out of being sensitive. Yes, I totally just basically said that I’m happy in being a sensitive person.

I read that sensitive people tend to understand people more. This is because when they get hurt, they know how much it can hurt. They don’t like seeing others in that kind of position because they understand. I feel like this explains me to a T. I tend to put myself in the position of the person who’s hurting and will do anything to make them happy again. Whether that’s dropping everything at 11 at night, or travelling 2 hours to help a friend in need. I thrive off being there for others because I know how it feels to be so alone.

I mean, you can bet that I’d whisk you away on a day trip to the zoo, or to the beach just to make sure you’re okay again. I’m cute like that you see, wink wink.

The same post I read also highlighted the point that highly sensitive people love to go on adventures and are more in tune with nature and the world around them. Considering I always have the need to explore new places, go on adventures, and totally obsess over the sky; this has opened my eyes to the most down to earth facors that can come out of being sensitive. If you want to make me happy, literally take me on an adventure… even if it’s in your back garden to look at the sky. I’d probably love you forever for that, there and then.

Sensitive people are more likely to also have racing minds, with 5,000 thoughts roaming around their head at once. Considering I created this blog to help put all these erratic thoughts into words, I think it’s safe to say that getting deep and opening my eyes to the real world around me may be a good thing.

And finally I’m such an unbelievably ‘needy’ person and I totally hate that. I get very insecure sometimes, okay. Just reassure me that you don’t hate me and you actually mean what you say, and I’ll be all good. I cannot be lied to. That’s the thing about sensitive people, the truth hurts them more than the average person; but they’ll take it better than constant lies.

For some, being sensitive may be a bad trait to have, but for me it’s a blessing in disguise. By being sensitive and having a deeper understanding of things, I am able to continuously remind people how much they mean to me because I understand how it feels. I always give people the benefit of the doubt, because I put myself in their shoes. Maybe that’s what makes me open to getting hurt again, however.

I may be a sensitive person, and it may get on your last nerve. But I’d rather be sensitive and have my eyes so open to the world and people around me than the alternative. I’m happy living my ‘lil sensitive life.

Do you class yourself as quite a sensitive person? Or if not, do you know anyone who is quite sensitive? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment box below!

Love and happiness always,

xo, Becca

Why I chose to revamp my life

Life is funny isn’t it? We spend our lives being our own individual self with our own personalities, likes and dislikes. A couple of months ago especially, was when I decided it was time to revamp my life and give myself a new perspective on life in general.

I decided that it was time for a change- and that includes a change in myself and my mindset. I’ve always been quite a sensitive person, but I’d like to think that over the past month or so; I have slowly formed a ‘thicker skin’ and not let things get to me as much as they used to. Of course, I still get hurt and upset about some things; but certainly not as much as I used to. I’m so glad that I’m at a point where I’m so confident in myself, that other perceptions of me simply don’t matter anymore.

I always used to look at people and be like, “How can I be as confident as you? Why can’t I have no insecurities and be like the ‘confident’ people?” In fact, I read this from one of my diary entries from January of this year when I was feeling low one night. I soon realised that the only person who can be in charge of my self confidence is me. Fast forward nearly 8 months and I have never been so confident and empowered in my own body. Considering I hated looking at myself in the mirror three months ago (sounds like a cliche, but trust me it was bad), I am at a point now where I’m happy to go swimming because my body is my own and I’m super proud of it.

When it comes to communicating with people in general, I love it. I thrive off meeting new people, and making new friends. I realised that I not only want to surround myself with people, but positive influences in my life. That meant separating myself from people who are simply toxic and who I don’t need around me. Trust me, having the strength to do that is the best decision I ever made. I now have the bestest friends I could ever wish for in my life (personal shoutout to Caitlin, Richard, Chloe, Myah, Alex, Callum, Jess, Georgia, Koryn and co; you all know who you are). I’m also constantly adding new amazing people into my life, and it’s so uplifting to have people who accept me, for me. 

When I say I couldn’t be happier with my life at the moment, I mean it. I am so overwhelmed with my progress and how much work I have mentally put in to be this happy and calm. And why I chose to revamp my life? Because I soon began to realise that my life is my own, and no one else’s. I am my own longest commitment at the end of the day; so why not make my life the best it can be? I want to be nothing but kind and compassionate to others. I want to forgive, but not be naive. I want to be proud of the person I’m becoming, and I want to keep doing better and being better.

So what’s next for me? The simple answer is, I don’t know. But I know that I will continue to be the best person I can be. I don’t care how cliche that sounds, but I have realised over the past few months that I can be whoever I want to be, and even though my personal goals may change again in another few months, where I am now is the best place I’ve ever been.

Love and happiness always,

xo, Becca


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Being thankful

The good in being thankful for everything. It may seem like such a cliche and may be one of the most overused words thrown around, but I think we underestimate how much good it is to be thankful for everything.

Personally, I never used to look at things and take a step back and realise how grateful I had for everything in my life. I don’t know if that was due to the ignorance which went with my age, but over the past year or two especially, I have learnt to be thankful for even the smallest things in the world. Whether it’s being thankful for things in my own life, such as an amazing support system of family and friends, or even being thankful for the sky and nature outside; I’ve learnt that taking notice of the small things in life helps calm your mind and fill your heart with such joy and gratitude.

This blog post may be full of complete cliches, and people who probably think I am a seventeen year old girl who is ‘odd’ for going off on a tangent about how thankful I am for even the sky, but if we think about it, it really is the small things in life. Sometimes it’s good for us all as humans to take a step back, look at the bigger picture of everything and realise that life isn’t as bad as we think it is. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the negative sides of life without paying attention to the positives, but if we all were more thankful for everything that this amazing world gives us, we may find that our mind ends up loving us more for it.

I have learnt especially to be thankful for the people that surrounds me in my life. Sure, people have come and go, but I feel like being grateful for the people in my life helps make me even happier in myself. I have begun to realise that I have such amazing people all around me who deserve to be reminded. Occasionally, I feel the need to pick up my phone, go through my contacts and text my best friends to remind them how thankful I am for even them existing. Seen as at one point in my life I had no friends whatsoever and was totally alone, it’s such a foreign concept to me that I am surrounded by so many amazing friends who genuinely care about me as much as I care about them. I guess that’s why I love making new friends so much. There are so many amazing people in this world who you end up being so thankful for- and at one time, they were total strangers to you. If you take anything away from this blog post, I would want it to be that you hug the people who mean the most to you in this world, and remind them that they’re just that. Not enough people realise what they have- especially until it’s gone.

It’s such a weird concept that everything you have could be gone tomorrow. At the end of the day, we never know what tomorrow might bring, or even next week for that matter. I believe that’s why it is extra important that we realise what we have in the present time. The people who left your life, should not be dwelled on. Sure, you can look at the happy memories, or maybe even rekindle lost relationships. But live for now, look at what you have now, and realise that life can bless is with some of the most inspirational people that we simply couldn’t imagine our life without. Wether that’s friends, family or even your partner; life really is amazing.

I know and understand that a lot of people who read my blog may be going through a hard time at the moment. Whether that’s battling your own mind, going through a relationship break up, or loosing someone you love. If anything, I hope this post helps calm your mind and give you a different perspective of this world. Take it from myself, looking at what you have around you and being so utterly thankful for it that it makes you cry with such gratitude is one of the best and liberating feelings. I have realised that it is so important for my mind to look at the now, and have such love and compassion for the people and things around me that mean the most to me. After all, life really can bless you with some of the most amazing people you would never have imagined would ever enter your life.

Feel free to drop a comment below and let me know what or who you’re thankful for! Take a step back today and remind the people you love the most that you really are thankful for them, or take pictures of the things that make you the happiest such as nature, the sky or the moon. It really will help free and calm your hectic mind.

Need advice on anything? Whether it’s needing some motivation, relationship advice, or just advice in general; feel free to inbox me on Tumblr! I am so excited to start dedicating one day a week on my blog to start responding to your questions on needing advice- and spread a bit of love and positivity! (Please note: You will remain completely anonymous).

Love and happiness always,

xo, Becca

Want 20% off your order at Coconut-Lane? Use the code ‘beccajayne20’ at the checkout to redeem…. go on! Why not treat yourself?


Twitter: @beccaxjayne

Facebook: positiveplxnt

Instagram: itsbeccajayne
Snapchat: itssbeccajayne
Feel free to drop me a tweet etc xo