I will prove myself

Wow Becca, that blog post title seemed extremely motivational.

Proving myself to others is something I seem to strive for a lot. I strive for the challenge of telling someone I can and I will do something and succeeding at that.

A few months back, I told someone that I was close to at the time that I would prove myself to them and if anything else, for the benefit of myself. I wasn’t in the best place mentally or emotionally (in fact, that’s probably a huge understatement), but I was still willing to make the changes to my life that I needed to ensure that I could get through this for them, and myself.

One of the personal goals that I set myself was to go to the doctors about my anxiety and seek help and support. Although I have alluded to this in some of my most recent blog posts, I did it. I sat there in the doctors on the verge of having a panic attack over having to talk to some stranger about what was going on in that lil head of mine. I then had a phone call with the mental health clinic and managed to get through a whole assessment of uncomfortable and rather upsetting questions regarding what was happening to me emotionally. The fact is though, I had my end goal in sight and I did it. Stage one of proving myself complete.

I also set a challenge to prove myself to myself. Feeling confident and liberated is such a hard feeling to succeed at. It takes a lot of time and patience with yourself, and it certainly doesn’t happen overnight. Over the past few months though, I have begun to accept myself, how I look, and who I am a lot more. I used to be extremely insecure even 4 months ago with my body shape, and how I look that it was sometimes challenging. I feel like I’ve hit such a huge milestone now though, and I’m always going to keep building on my confidence to make sure that it stays there as long as possible. Stage two of proving myself complete.

I also developed a bad habit of putting things off and not seeking the things that I wanted to do and just leaving it. I am now in the mindset of, “life is too short. Just go for it.” As preachy as an overused as that may sound, it’s true. Life really is too short. I personally would rather live it having done and achieved things that I’m proud of, rather than getting to the end of my life and wishing I had taken the chances given to me. Stage 3 of proving myself complete.

And most importantly, I wanted to prove to myself that I could be genuinely happy for a time period longer than a week, and I’ve done just that. I can’t sit there and say that I haven’t had a bad anxiety day, or say that I haven’t had days where I couldn’t physically get out of bed since I made this ‘pledge’ to myself; but I can say that I have been the happiest I’ve ever been and in that, I have found and developed myself. Onwards and upwards. I have and will prove myself.

Love and happiness always,

xo, Becca







19 thoughts on “I will prove myself

  1. Love & happiness right back at ya, your posts never fail to make me smile 🙂 I think when it comes to proving yourself it’s more important to prove yourself to yourself than to other people because often we’re our own worst critic & we tell ourselves we can’t do something or aren’t good enough so actually proving to ourselves that we CAN do it is a great feeling x


    Liked by 1 person

  2. This sounds great, I’m so glad you’re feeling better about things and are really noticing a difference. I can definitely relate to insecurities about body shape and anxiety fears, but you’re doing so well and should be so proud of what you’ve achieved! Confidence in yourself takes time and you’ve got the right attitude about it and I love your drive to be happy in yourself and not just proving yourself to others! You’re right about life being short and we often forget this sometimes or don’t really think about it but you’ve reminded me to take a step back and not stress too much about little pointless things that don’t matter!

    Well done Becca, really! I’m so proud of you and you should be too!

    JosieVictoriaa // Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You must feel so relieved that you have gotten all of this off your chest, i know how it feels to keep all of it in. Well done and i hope you feel happiness x


  4. I really love this part “life is too short. Just go for it.” I haven’t always had this mindset, but it’s probably the best mindset to have! The way I think about it is that limits are self imposed so the only limit any person has is themselves; once you give yourself a little push it’s like wow look at what I can do! 🙂


  5. It’s really inspiring to see that you’re pushing your comfort zone out and diving right into the things that you wouldn’t do otherwise, despite the circumstances. Good luck on achieving more goals! I should probably take more chances too…


  6. Amazing post Becca. I absolutely admire your courage for putting your struggles and goals out here – I’m working on being more transparent on my blog.

    One piece of advice I’d love to give you is – don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re going to have good days, amazing days and not-so-amazing days. Let those days pass and continue with your progress.

    You’re doing amazing!

    ♡ Christine Anne
    A Blueberry Girl


  7. Omg, congrats! I am so happy for you to take the time out for yourself to improve yourself. I can relate to a lot of your journey, and I am so proud of you for taking the right steps towards happiness. I have faith that you will continue to reach for your goals, and you will prove yourself xxx

    Melina | http://www.ivefoundwaldo.com


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