My life philosophy

Who I am. What I’m about. Who I’m becoming. If you’ve been following my blog for the past 3 months, you may have heard me refer to my life philosophy. A philosophy that consists on me being a good, nice, genuine person and never wavering from that goal.

My life philosophy isn’t achievable automatically though. I have to make mistakes, do wrong, and work on those mistakes to help make myself a better person. I’ve done things over the past 4 months especially I wish I’d done it differently. But I’m not perfect, but who I am, and who I’m becoming is still the same.

I am also a big believer in forgiveness and being humble. It’s certainly not as easy said as done when someone hurts you immensely, or when someone tries to argue with you and I feel the need to be passive. I would rather live my life being passive and humble to the world around me, rather than anything else. I’m not a big believer in “drama,” and never have been. I understand some people enjoy drama and gossip, but it’s just not me. I would rather keep my distance and exist in my own happy lil bubble- as I call it anyway.

I feel like I’m a hard person to understand. I’m complicated. Sometimes me being different can be a good thing, and other times it can scare me. “What if people think I’m fake?” I’m constantly surrounded by “what if’s” when it comes to my life, and with the fear of people not understanding my life philosophy.

But when you simplify it, all I want to be and become is a good, nice, genuine person who puts others first. As idealistic as it may sound, that’s just who I am. That’s my personality and how I’m programmed and that’s who I’m proud of. As much as people may hate me for it, this is me. Everything you’re reading regarding my life philosophy is me. I’m Becca and I just so happen to thrive off caring for others immensely and from always trying to do the right thing for the benefit of those I love most around me.

My life philosophy helps keep me on track and is extremely important to me. When it comes to other people, their perceptions and how they view me is a fundamental part of shaping who I am. Although I shouldn’t be worried about how people see me, my life philosophy keeps me focused on who I am. I understand that not everyone will understand me, and I’m pretty sure there are people out there who hate my guts. But I know who I am, and that has especially got me through the past couple of weeks. After hearing about someone’s false perception of who I am I suddenly realised, “You know what? I know who I am and that’s all that maters.”

I don’t normally get mad at myself for trying to be good to people. I know and understand that some people are reluctant to forgive, and be kind to others even if they’re not kind back. However, that’s their fault. You can’t put your own genuine personality on the line for someone else who doesn’t appreciate you. Stay true to who you are and everything you’re about, someone (somewhere) accepts and loves that about you.

That’s my life philosophy. The idea that I will always strive to have the best intentions of others at heart, to forgive and not hold grudges, to see both sides of the argument, and be nice and kind to others always. That doesn’t make me naive because I have recently cut out people in my life who are and were toxic to me. But I don’t hate them, and I never could. I do forgive them, but I also know what’s best for me. Live life to the fullest, as much as we may say it- we do truly only live once. “Make this life the best it can be.” Stay humble, always.

Love and happiness always,

xo, Becca


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72 thoughts on “My life philosophy

  1. I think your life philosophy is one everyone should have 🙂 Trying to be a nice & genuine person in every situation is amazing & honestly if people see this as being fake they couldn’t be more wrong. Also that sentence is so relatable – ‘I would rather keep my distance and exist in my own lil happy bubble’ love it x


    Liked by 2 people

  2. I couldn’t relate more to your life philosophy ! If only more people in the world would share the same life philosophy, the world could possibly be a nicer, more loving place. Loved reading this! Love, Larice

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What a beautifully written post! I see a lot of myself in there – I think your life philosophy is a good one. I find nothing wrong with putting others first. I’m always like that and probably will always be like it! x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: You don’t have an endless amount of time |

  5. I just randomly came across this and I’m so happy I did! This post reminds me a lot of myself which makes me happy!! Keep doing you, this rocks.


  6. I just randomly came across this and I’m so happy I did! This post reminds me a lot of myself which makes me happy!! Keep doing you, this rocks.


  7. Pingback: My life philosophy | MUHAMMED SAYEDALI.N

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